Condolences are premature

Winning is more fun than losing and losing by just a few votes is frustrating, but that’s what the voters said.

I’m not dead: I have been getting a steady stream of thoughtful e-mails expressing sorrow that I will not be returning to the Council, but condolences are unnecessary or premature at the very least.  For me, this is not a great loss, but a new opportunity.  I have enjoyed serving Northfield’s Ward 2 for 4 years and would have liked to have continued on the Council now that I think I’ve figured out how it works, but I can work on the policy issues I care about more from the outside, too (call it a shift from bureaucracy to adhocracy). Beyond public policy, I’ll have more time to learn welding or train to ski the Birkie.

Thanks: Every person who took the time to write to me said much the same thing, thanking me for my service, thoughtfulness, and dedication.  Some added that even though they didn’t always agree with me, they knew where I stood and how I got there. Certainly, those are the qualities I tried to bring to the job and I am grateful they were noticed. Many thanks to you all.

Get busy: Some also asked “what will we do without you?”  My answer: I’m not dead yet, but we need to get more active for issues we care about.  For those with a bigger picture perspective on city government, those who want to see better budgeting based on coherent policies, better justification of infrastructure extensions, multi-modal transportation, arts and culture or any of the issues I championed and Mr Ludescher dismisses, then you need to keep letting the Council know what you think.

And a footnote about recounts: Many of those regretful emails suggested a recount.  I lost to Galen Malecha for the county commission seat back in 2006 by 10 votes; I gained 1 vote in the recount.  Since the result is unlikely to shift and I can speak from experience that your vote does count and count accurately, I don’t believe we need to spend the time and money for the recount.  My recount experience showed me just how well the system works, how well the election judges are trained, and how professional the election officials are.  I trust the system.

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