Mike Obermuller
Mike Obermuller is running for Congress here in CD2 looking to unseat John Kline. At a campaign event last night, an interesting exchange and opening for new conversation emerged –
Dear Mike Obermuller,
I enjoyed having the chance to talk to you again at the campaign event in Northfield last night and was impressed at how you’ve evolved as a candidate since 2012. I’m writing to follow up on your responses to questions about carbon and the environment.
You talked a bit about carbon taxes and reducing subsidies to oil as ways to address climate change. Two bits of your remarks caught my attention
(1) Addressing climate change will require decisions for actions which (far) exceed election cycles. Bravo! Making decisions to minimize the impact on the immediate bottom line limits the innovation and action which could make for significant change in environmental policy…and many other policy areas.
(2) You’re working to change the conversation on the environment to help more people understand why action is critical (and long-term).
(1) should be obvious. The desire to package policy for (quickly) deliverable results leads to simplifying complex issues, isolating problems and siloing information to be able to formulate the quick fix and deliverable project while ignoring long term or downstream costs. I don’t tend to be a one issue voter, but if there is one issue which will ensure not only my vote but my commitment and energy, this is it.
As for (2), here’s how I’d like to see the conversation change. Most of the time, I advocate for better transportation and land use policy and spending. In these areas, as with the environment, decisions tend to be isolated – approving this development, designing that road segment, and funding a particular non-motorized project. In thHowever, the bigger picture of the pattern in which we guide the growth of our cities (I do remember you once said you were interested in seeing cities grow up and not out), how we reverse the trend of designing transit, cycling and walking out of our transportation system, and how we think through our incentives for more sprawling, car dependent land uses and transportation is going to impact the environment.
So, you can talk about carbon taxes or we can reframe the conversation about how we build sustainability and equity into our places by connecting fossil fuel use, air quality, transportation, land use and public health. Right now, messages are mixed – charge a carbon tax, but keep building roads and encouraging sprawl. Fret about obesity, but make active transportation fight for funding crumbs. How about we look to how to get the incentives for sustainable, healthy development aligned and funding aligned for incremental change for better air, water, and health.
Many thanks for being willing to serve,
Betsey Buckheit