Domestic partnership registry update – an updated update

May 15, 2012: Making progress!  The City Council received the domestic partnership ordinance from the HRC and set the date for the first reading as June 5, 2012 (see the Charter for ordinance procedure) on a 5-1 vote (Rhonda Pownell voted no; Suzie Nakasian was absent).

It was gratifying to see and hear more people speak in favor of this ordinance – thank you all, with particular thanks to Phil Duran from OutFront MN.

April 15, 2012: The Human Rights Commission approved a draft ordinance to create a domestic partnership registry in Northfield.  The forecast of Council agendas puts this issue on the May 15 meeting agenda.

Thanks to the Commission for doing the work, Phil Duran, the legal director for OutFront Minnesota for help with specific language, Dan Hudson for getting this issue moving in Northfield and to all of you who have called or emailed in support.

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