For my father

Wilbur Buckheit c.1935

My father died at the end of April and his passing is noteworthy because it’s his fault I’m involved in this local government stuff at all.

Dad chaired the Leavenworth, Kansas Planning Commission for awhile back in the 1970’s and he said the Planning Commission was “lots of fun.”   So, when I wanted to get more involved in Northfield, I applied to the Planning Commission (with encouragement from Dad).   I think the best entertainment I ever provided for him on a visit to Northfield was taking him to a special planning commission meeting about the Cub Foods development.  It was quite a contentious meeting- Dad had a ball.  Ever after, visiting Northfield meant touring the new development and any hot land use action areas.

For me, though, it isn’t the debate that’s important and fun.  There’s the big picture, the long-term policy vision, to work on.   Thanks for the encouragement to get started, Dad.

2 thoughts on “For my father

  1. A precious writing Betsy. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration. What a great memorial for your father. Carol

  2. What a sweet picture… so earnest and solemn in his Sunday sailor suit…

    Although your dad was only a couple of years older than I am (I was born in 1936) , I am now so old that I tend to think of myself in terms of something my father said to me when he was 95.
    He said: “you must remember, our generation, unlike yours, did not allow ourselves the Luxury of introspection…”

    For some reason, every time I see a picture of my father when he was very small, I wonder if that wistful look of his was a foreshadowing of never being allowed to be introspective, and indeed all child pictures of people I now know, make me wonder very hard about all the years in between.

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