I took a break from blogging after the election and have been doing my homework offline to get ready for the new year and taking my seat on the City Council.
Here’s a quick look at current and upcoming events and issues:
December 18: Gov. Pawlenty announced the “unallotments” of local government aid (usally known as LGA). Northfield had been expecting a payment of $1,445,500 in local government aid on December 26; Gov. Pawlenty reduced this amount by $355,263.
December 29: “Old” Council will hold a special meeting at 5 p.m. to amend the 2008 budget to accommodate the reduction in LGA by using reserves.
January 2: Incoming council retreat.
January 5: First regular Council meeting of 2009. New Councilmembers and Mayor are sworn in…
Don’t stop at this trailer, keep watching for the feature presentation…