It’s back already

Black binder returnsI haven’t even finished following up on items from last week’s meetings, but the Black Binder reappeared on my doorstep in the dead of night.

It’s a light week for city meetings next week for me

Monday, March 2:  Regular City Council Meeting. Highlights include several items related to the annexation of 530 acres in the NW corner of the city (the annexation agreement was approved at last week’s meeting – there’s more to say on that soon) including a public hearing and 1st reading of an ordinance to amend the Rural Service district ordinance (this sets tax rates for land in the annexation area based on its undeveloped character; the tax rate will change when the area is developed).  Also related to annexation more generally is the 1st reading of an amendment to our annexation ordinance changing the requirements for annexation applications so that townships  no longer must approve proposed annexation, but must only be notified of the proposed annexation.

Saturday, March 7, 10:30 am at City Hall: the continuation of the Council’s goal-setting process which begins tomorrow at 8:00 am at the 1st National Bank South meeting room (yes, it is a public meeting if you’d like to attend).

And that’s all.

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