The Land Development Code is almost here. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 7, at 7 pm in the Council Chambers before sending their recommendation to the Council for adoption of the new code.
The Planning Commission has devoted an amazing amount of time and effort to this project to craft regulations which are specific to Northfield. The Planning Commission has worked with the Chamber of Commerce on both commercial and residential regulations, with both colleges on the regulations affecting their campuses and the relation of the campuses to their surrounding neighborhoods, and held public meetings and information sessions. Thank you – it is more than we should ask of our volunteers, but you demanded that the revision be done and I applaud your efforts.
Sandy Bremer, the Community Development administrative assistant, should also be given a stirring round of applause for tracking all the changes and updating the draft over this time. Without her skill and diligence, this could not have happened. Thanks, Sandy!
Thanks, too, to all the developers, college staff, and citizens who offered their time and expertise. It is a better document for your effort.
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