More flood information

I’ve never attempted to be a breaking news source…so for flood news, I’ll just note the many people and organizations have been out taking photos and video, aggregating information, and posting updates:

Volunteer information: Volunteers are not needed at this time, but you can plan ahead.  Go to’s flood site which is self explanatory.  A huge round of applause should go to Suzie Nakasian (1st Ward Council candidate and extraordinary people organizer), Steve Moses (Northfield police and volunteer coordinator), and (and I’m sure there are others) for understanding the need, working quickly, aggregating resources and getting the message out to the public.  Wow.

Information, generally. again.  See also LoGroNo’s Twitter feed – tweeting and retweeting what’s been happening.  Plus more traditional media outlets: Northfield News, KYMN, WCCO, Fox.

Road closures: Northfield’s downtown bridges are closed at 2nd, 4th, and 5th St, plus the pedestrian bridge pending inspection of the bridges after the water recedes. You can go to MNDoT for more major route closures (at this time, Northfield’s major roads are all open, but if you are heading to Rochester you should check the map).  A traffic plan for Monday morning traffic is under construction.

Photos and video: See all the places noted above, plus your Facebook friends have probably posed their pix and, I hear, YouTube.

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