Roar! Northfield recieves TIGER grant


Great news for transit riders, bicyclists and pedestrians! said the Transit for Livable Communities update that appeared in my Facebook newsfeed.  The great news is that Northfield has been awarded a $1.6 million TIGER grant (with a $500,000 match from the city), one of 46 recipients from a pool of 848 applications, for a grade-separated crossing of Highway 3 for non-motorized transportation using the underpass near Greenvale Avenue.

My Council colleague, Erica Zweifel deserves a huge round of applause for her leadership in bringing this project forward, soliciting community support, and working with Bolton & Menk preparing the application.  Grreat!

Other information about the grant and project:

The official DOT notice of grant awardees with descriptions of all 46 projects in this round of TIGER grants

Local coverage of the project during the application process: Northfield News, Patch, Locally Grown

2 thoughts on “Roar! Northfield recieves TIGER grant

  1. Pingback: End of the Road for the TIGER Trail in Northfield |

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