Skateboards on the Council worksession agenda

Still many questions about skateboards and the skateplaza – see the previous post.  But on the worksession agenda tomorrow, the Council is supposed to discuss the skatepark site selection process including (From the Joel Walinski’s memo in the packet)

education on the attributes of a skateboard park and the criteria for locating a succssful park, a public input process, and an evaulation process that tracks the evaulation and comparison of various sites

We council members are supposed to come prepared with criteria for selecting a site…I’m still working on my list.

I’ve heard from several people about the Council’s decision to take the decision-making away from the Park Board (and you can read about it in the Northfield News and on Locally Grown). In retrospect, I agree with the critics. My only explanation is that in the course of a meeting, I do not notice all the issues (procedural or substantive) – I can only juggle so many ideas at once, I guess. Looks quite clear the morning after, however. We should, at the very least, answer our critics tomorrow night even if the Council wants to keep hold of the reins.

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