So what are you doing for Northfield?

What are you doing for your city? asks the right question…what’s your answer?  I ran for the Council because I didn’t think I was doing enough as a Planning Commission member.  The City Council can do less than you might think, so I was still thinking I wasn’t doing enough.  Having lost the election, I’m certainly asking this question again and I don’t have an answer yet. I’ve got lots of ideas for doing more public policy work (Hi Strong Towns!), but that helps Northfield indirectly at best.

From my Council experience, I’d also add that you shouldn’t leave it to elected officials to do things with only your occasional (or incessant) suggestion or complaint.  Council members and legislators might help (or hinder – that’s a real possibility), but they need you more than you need them to get things done.

So, what are you doing for Northfield in 2013?

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