Every week, the Black Binder appears on my porch. Nothing mysterious, it’s the 3-ring binder with all the information on the week’s meetings, the Council packet, etc. In this week’s BB:
Monday, February 2 : Regular Council Meeting @ 7. And believe it or not, that’s all.
As always, the calendar of public city meetings is available on the city website along with the council agenda and packet, and the administrator’s weekly memo.
Other non-city things on my plate:
Northfield Soccer Association Board (I’m the Registrar) meets Tuesday @ 7 pm in the Northfield Public Library meeting room. Parents and players are encouraged to come and bring your questions or concerns to the board.
Skiing: I’m leaving town Friday for the annual Knitski weekend. The weekend has a great deal of both knitting and cross country skiing, but not simultaneously. I used to get quite a lot of knitting done at Council meetings when I was observing them for the Planning Commission; I’m afraid serving on Council does eliminate the knitting time.
If I was going to be in town Friday, Feb. 6, I’d make sure to go down to the Contented Cow and hear that wonderful, somewhat new band the New Moon Trio.
If I was going to be in town Saturday, Feb. 7, I’d also go cheer on a certain NHS Nordic skiier on her birthday.
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