The Black Binder returns


I tripped over the Black Binder when I stepped outside to get the newspaper this morning – another one of those odd occupational hazards of the City Council member.

Coming up next week on the Northfield City calendar for me:

Monday, February 23:  Council Meeting and Work Session. It’s a short agenda, but includes considering approval of the annexation agreement with Greenvale Township for the  NW business park development as well as an agreement with the landowners.

‘Tis a good thing the Council agenda is short becuase although the worksession agenda looks short, it includes a joint session with the EDA on their 2009 Workplan, prioritizing items in the CIP, discussing the street improvement assessment policy (that is, how much taxpayers pay when improvements are made to their street) AND an update on the Ames Park Master Plan (which includes the Skate Plaza).

The decision-making template my subcommittee developed has been used for all the staff reports for the first time…

Tuesday, February 24: Planning Commission.   The wind turbine ordinance returns.

Friday, February 27, 2009, 8 am @ 1st National Bank South: City Council Goal Setting Meeting.  We’ve been working on our decision-making and public input processes, now we’re meeting to set substantive goals.  Some of last year’s (randomly chosen) goals were  “Improve the conditions of the city’s aging buildings and facililties and park infrastructure” and “complete the update, adoption and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan”.   My highest priority is the completion and adoption of the new Land Development Regulations and continuing to work toward a “real” CIP.

Another noteworthy event: don’t forget to celebrate the 206th anniversary of Marbury v Madison on Tuesday, Feb. 24.

One thought on “The Black Binder returns

  1. Short agenda, but a rather rambling work session, tonight, I’d have to say, Betsey. I wish, when you have work sessions, the staff would tip you off in the packet just what they want guidance on and there were a way Mary could focus the discussion so, although you don’t take votes, there is a clear consensus evolving. This year’s council is victim to similar discussions of the previous one, where everyone puts forth an option, but no clear direction is given. Example – the skate board park discussion tonight!

    I’m looking forward to your blogging about tonight’s CIP discussion!

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